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In this session...

This session will cover how Kantar and Snapchat successfully collaborated to build a real-time AI prediction model, scoring ad performance on Snapchat across brand, creative and behavioral metrics,  guiding advertisers to build great brands and evaluate impact.

Kantar and Snapchat have partnered to build custom norms for Snapchat video creatives using Kantar’s Link AI, an AI-powered creative performance predictive tool. Over 11,000 video ads were evaluated through this tool across brand, creative and behavioral performance across 10 priority markets covering all verticals.
The partnership offers multiple benefits for Snapchat advertisers, like predicting brand performance of smaller campaigns, markets & businesses, determining which creatives should be optimized for the platform & diagnosing creative performance.
All this can be achieved in just 15 min per ad on the Link AI platform. This workstream also enables a deep diagnosis of Snapchat ads to understand what creative elements drive performance & guide advertisers. Link AI is Kantar’s AI solution for creative evaluation, based on the meaningful, different & salient framework. It extracts thousands of ads features to predict ad’s ability to build great brands & evaluate impact. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Augment measurement using AI.
  2. Democratize for small campaigns.
  3. Pre-test to reduce risk.
  4. Near real-time evaluation.

Presented with


Jed Meyer SVP, Media Solutions Leader Kantar
Aarti Bhaskaran Global Head of Ad Research & Insights Snap Inc.

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Future Finders