Tracks Venues

In this session...

Explore the persistent use of clichéd design in conveying sustainability commitments and the subsequent lack of consumer engagement with these investments. Learn to break free from stereotypical visuals and harmonize brand strategy with sustainability efforts. Understand how design can bridge organizational and communication gaps, transforming sustainability messaging. Discover the untapped potential for brands to align their sustainability investments with the strength of their branding.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Rethink Clichéd Design: Understand why brands often rely on stale design tropes for sustainability messaging and the need to break free from these stereotypes.
  2. The Power of Branding: Explore how effective branding can help brands assert ownership of their sustainability initiatives, making a more lasting impact on consumers.
  3. Synergy Between Strategy and Sustainability: Learn how to align brand strategy with sustainability efforts, creating a powerful combination that reinforces each other.
  4. Design as a Bridge: Discover the role of design in bridging organizational, legislative, and communication barriers to make sustainability communication more effective.

Presented with


Cristina Tazza Chief Strategy Officer Design Bridge and Partners
Dhomonique Murphy Founder & President The Right Method

Event Details

Event Type Interview