Tracks Venues

In this session...

With federal gun reform legislation efforts stalled, Brady, a bipartisan organization advocating for gun violence prevention, knew it needed a new approach. With pro-bono partner BCW, Brady undertook nine months of in-depth research to develop a campaign for an audience critical to moving the needle: Responsible gun owners.

In this session, learn more about War Stories, the Cannes Lions award-winning campaign that exposes the chilling impact of assault weapon use in our communities.

With federal gun reform legislation efforts stalled on the Hill, Brady, a bipartisan organization that advocates for gun violence prevention, knew that it needed a new approach. Together with its pro-bono partner BCW, Brady undertook nine months of in-depth research and strategic message territory exploration to develop a campaign for a critical but often overlooked and difficult-to-reach audience necessary to move the needle on gun reform: Responsible gun owners.

In this session, learn more about War Stories, the Cannes Lions award-winning campaign that circumvents the tropes of much gun safety reform messaging and exposes the chilling impact of assault weapon use in our communities. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. How to use data to uncover new audiences for your clients.
  2. How data-driven creative can move the meter on a polarizing topic.
  3. How to authentically engage influential stakeholders.

Presented with


Diego Bertagni Executive Creative Director, North America BCW
Brian Ellner U.S. Public Affairs Lead, WPP and EVP, Growth & Marketing, Corporate Affairs, BCW WPP/BCW
Susan Lavington Chief Operating Officer Brady

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Brands & Marketers