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In this session...

Great creative isn’t a replacement for ad budgets, but a way to supercharge the budget you do have. At WARC, we study what makes marketing effective. Effectiveness is about understanding the whole impact of your marketing, and the trade-offs between different channels and techniques. Marketing effectiveness is proof that a campaign met its upfront agreed-upon objectives and delivered business value.

There is an important difference between effectiveness and efficiency. Efficiency is the ratio of results to resources, of marketing profit to marketing spend. It’s one element of effectiveness, cost-effectiveness. Creative effectiveness is understanding the role the creative idea and creative execution have in driving results.

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What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Numerous studies have shown that creativity has an outsize impact on sales and on profits.
  2. Marketing’s job is to cultivate future demand, so when consumers are ready to buy, they know your brand.
  3. Iconic campaigns deliver enduring long-time value that drives business outcomes.

Presented with


Ann Marie Kerwin Americas Editor WARC
Dhomonique Murphy Founder & President The Right Method

Event Details

Event Type Interview