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In this session...

Legacy proxy metrics like views and foot traffic no longer cut it in today’s always-on addressable media marketplace. They are subjective and do not reflect what really matters: “How much incremental revenue did my advertising generate?” Fortunately, the tide has shifted, and true outcome-driven marketing is now within grasp, finally helping advertisers understand what advertising efforts drive sales.

Join Damian Garbaccio, Chief Business & Marketing Officer, Affinity Solutions, as he takes you through how Affinity is leading the charge to solve this problem by pioneering a new type of media currency that enables marketers to tie media exposure to consumer purchase. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. The current state of outcomes-based measurement.
  2. Evolving datasets and strategies for media measurement.
  3. How to maximize revenue through consumer purchase data.

Presented with


Matt Scheckner Chairman Advertising Week
Damian Garbaccio Chief Business & Marketing Officer Affinity Solutions

Event Details

Event Type Interview