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In this session...

Consumers are more culturally diverse than ever, and they are hungry for culturally relevant content. The challenge is that reaching diverse customers is more difficult than it has ever been with increasing restrictions and privacy laws. And until now, data-driven cultural accuracy in marketing solutions has been elusive. Join UniWorld Group’s President & CEO for a discussion on why data needs cultural context to be leveraged accurately and effectively.

Demographics alone do not define a group. Culture extends beyond the traditional breakdown of Black, White, Asian and Hispanic. Cultural passion points draw people together for conversation and connection. It is the ability to come together over passion points like food, music, art, fashion and entertainment that drive culture and cultural connections beyond race and ethnicity. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Data needs cultural context to be leveraged accurately and effectively.
  2. Culturally relevant content drives consumer purchase decisions.
  3. Media partnerships are more impactful driven by insights based on culture.

Presented with


Jamie Maw Programming Director Advertising Week
Gregory Edwards President & CEO UniWorld Group, Inc.

Event Details

Event Type Interview

Track  Game Changers