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In this session...

Not all CTV is created equal. Our expert guests dig deep into CTV inventory, transparency and performance.

Connected Television (CTV) consumption exploded in 2020 and continues to grow. This has created a “gold rush” in the marketplace — an abundance of inventory and audiences, a wealth of investment and a dramatic increase in partners and buying routes. But just like in the 1800s, not everything that glitters is gold. With concerns about transparency and legacy approaches to planning and buying, it’s often difficult for marketers to determine the true value of their CTV investment — until it's too late.

Hear from a panel of CTV experts as they discuss and debate the distinction between cost and value, new approaches to evaluating and optimizing inventory and pricing and how to use data to make sure your CTV investment is delivering pure gold performance.
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What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. What really makes CTV inventory "premium?"
  2. Why CTV app mix is critical to reach your audience at the right frequency.
  3. How to plan, activate and measure a CTV buy engineered for intended outcomes.
  4. Pricing vs performance: What should you prioritize in your CTV buy?

Presented with


Miles Fisher Senior Director of Ad Platform & Growth Sales Roku
Michelle Aragon VP, Head of Brand Marketing & Strategy Spectrum Reach
Tameka Kee Deputy Managing Director CIMM
Oscar Rondon SVP, Product and Partnerships MiQ
Mike Fisher Executive Director, Investment Innovation GroupM

Event Details

Event Type Session