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In this session...

In the evolving world of digital entertainment, Connected TV emerges as a game-changing innovation for marketers and viewers. However, obstacles like fragmentation and frequency hurdles affect user experience, demanding tech understanding and adapting to evolving viewer needs. Balancing free ad-supported streaming with subscriptions counters subscription fatigue, enabling impactful engagement on the prominent home screen. Join us in discovering solutions for these challenges and revolutionizing the CTV landscape with a holistic approach.

In the evolving world of digital entertainment, Connected TV stands out as a game-changing innovation for both marketers and viewers. Yet, this new frontier has hurdles. Fragmentation and frequency issues are just some of the challenges that clients are working to overcome, and these directly impact the customer experience. Navigating these complexities requires an understanding of technology, the shifting needs and expectations of the modern viewer and the benefits of a direct-to-glass strategy.

Additionally, with the growing phenomenon of subscription fatigue, the onus is on CTV viewers to strike the right balance between free ad-supported streaming options and subscription offerings. This balanced consumption offers marketers a way to connect with audiences on the biggest screen in the home and fosters a television ecosystem characterized by choice for the user.

Join us as we dive into these challenges and explore holistic solutions to revolutionize CTV. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Connected TV Innovation: Connected TV presents significant innovation in digital entertainment, benefiting marketers and viewers alike.
  2. Challenges and Impact: The emergence of Connected TV comes with challenges such as fragmentation and frequency issues, impacting user experience and requiring an understanding of technology and viewer expectations.
  3. Subscription Balance: As subscription fatigue grows, CTV viewers must find a balance between free ad-supported streaming and subscriptions, offering marketers a chance to engage on the home screen and promoting user choice in the television ecosystem.

Presented with


Serge Matta President, Global Ad Sales LG Ad Solutions
Dani Benowitz President, Global and U.S. MAGNA
Mark McKee General Manager FreeWheel
Mike Treon Programmatic Strategy Lead Camelot Strategic Marketing & Media

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Moving TV Forward