Tracks Venues

In this session...

Personalization should take a literal, contextual approach in public spaces—using the pairing of audience + location. The beauty of advertising in public spaces is that you know where your audience is, and can make predictions about their mindset. Creative tools like audience targeting, AI, AR, and dynamic messaging add additional personalization and context. We’ll explore how to creatively use the original one-to-many medium for a one-to-one experience.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Why is out-of-home such an important piece of the personalization puzzle
  2. How can advertisers approach ads as “valuable content” first vs advertising or branding
  3. How to tow the line between being “too personalized” to the point of being invasive, vs helpful to consumers

Presented with


Dhomonique Murphy Founder & President The Right Method
Esther Raphael

Event Details

Event Type Interview