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In this session...

In an age where artificial intelligence offers both solutions and substitutions, consumers are craving authentic online interactions – finding their people in online communities via rich, relevant discussions. As brands and advertisers navigate this ever-evolving ecosystem, understanding what it means to create, grow and foster community is key to unlocking marketing success in these interest-driven online spaces.

In this session, Reddit’s Chief Operating Officer, Jen Wong, joins Omnicom’s Chief Strategy Officer, Alex Hesz, for a conversation about membership, moderation and how brands can meaningfully thrive in the context of real, human conversations while harnessing new tools and technologies.
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What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. What it means to create and maintain authentic online community – beyond a follower count or mailing list
  2. Why consumers value authenticity and trust in the age of AI
  3. How brands can build similar goodwill

Presented with


Jen Wong Chief Operating Officer Reddit
Alex Hesz Chief Strategy Officer Omnicom

Event Details

Event Type Session