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In this session...

Streaming TV is setting the advertising world ablaze and agencies and marketers are working hard to stay one step ahead of trends in CTV viewership. Join Jason Brown, SVP, Chief Revenue Officer Spectrum Reach and Aaron Cohen, NYU Adjunct Professor and Partner, The Room as they unpack CTV with a view from the viewer. See how putting the viewers at the center of the CTV advertising business changes how brands invest their hard-earned advertising budgets across linear and streaming TV and can help you avoid wasting half of your marketing money. Their fireside chat will dissect CTV against a backdrop of the TV landscape overall to see how and where viewers are tuning in to CTV. Streaming is a moving target. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with the experts.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. To come
  2. To come
  3. To come

Presented with


Ruth Mortimer Global President Advertising Week
Jason Brown SVP, Chief Revenue Officer Spectrum Reach
Aaron Cohen Co-Founder and President Therma

Event Details

Event Type Session