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In this session...

Join us for an exploration of media's next frontier as we explore the synergy of media planning and storytelling in today's landscape and learn how to make media strategies resonate deeply with audiences. We will unveil the art of uniting planning with narratives for lasting impact and engagement while providing media planners and storytellers alike with actionable insights to amplify strategies and align with trends.

Join us for an insightful session as we delve into the intricate dance between media planning and the power of narrative. In today's media landscape, a well-executed plan is only as impactful as the story it tells. But how can professionals ensure that their media strategies not only reach their target audiences but also resonate on a profound level?

The panel will unravel the nuances of marrying strategic media planning with compelling narrative structures, ensuring optimal engagement and lasting impact. Whether you're a media planner seeking to amplify your strategies or a storyteller aiming to align with media trends, this session promises actionable insights. Don't miss out on this exploration of media's next frontier. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Integration of Strategy and Story: Understand the essential balance between a meticulously crafted media plan and a compelling narrative. Discover how the synergy of both can amplify the reach and impact of campaigns.
  2. Data-Triggered Advertising: Dive into the world of responsive advertising where real-time data, like weather conditions, can prompt specific ad displays. Grasp the benefits and nuances of these adaptive ad strategies that capitalize on timely events.
  3. Future Media Trends and Storytelling: Gain insights into upcoming trends in the media landscape and how evolving storytelling techniques can align with these changes, ensuring media campaigns remain effective and impactful in the face of industry shifts.

Presented with


Esther Maguire Head of Product Marketing & Strategy LG Ad Solutions
Jake Richardson Global Head of CTV Moloco
Damian Garbaccio Chief Business & Marketing Officer Affinity Solutions
Georgina Thomson Head of Investment, Beauty Co Lab Omnicom

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