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In this session...

Chasing the next buzzword and AdTech point solution is not what scales an agency’s business or retains clients.

As tech and media continue to intertwine, the future of agencies is tied closely to the strategic decisions they make for their business, their team, and their clients’ campaigns. Off-the-shelf AdTech solutions often don't meet clients' complex and emerging needs. What happens when an agency shifts from a buying mindset to a building mindset for its AdTech stack?

Scott Ensign, Chief Strategy Officer at Butler/Till, sits down with Kelly Wittmann, VP of Agency Development for Basis Technologies, to share Butler/Till’s partnership criteria that lends to their long-term alliances driving agency growth through client retention and new business outcomes while improving employee morale and continued industry recognition. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. What are the steps to shift from a buying to a building approach.
  2. Calling BS on buzzwords and shiny objects in AdTech.
  3. How to vet long-term partners and the criteria that matters.

Presented with


Kelly Wittmann VP, Agency Development Basis Technologies
Scott Ensign Chief Strategy Officer Butler/Till

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Advances in AdTech