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In this session...

We're all in this together! Whether you're a vendor or a publisher, a brand or an agency, building strong industry partnerships will set you up for measurement wins.

From the value-add of partner integrations to the streamlined simplicity of process once a partnership is established, our expert panelists will unpack how vendors and publishers work together to support measurement for brands and agencies.

Join this discussion to discover how partnerships are pushing the industry forward — and how you can forge your own.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. The ingredients for building successful vendor/publisher partnerships.
  2. Potential challenges when forging partnerships.
  3. Proven winning outcomes from vendor/publisher partnerships for those on all sides of the relationship.

Presented with


Ionna Protogiannis Director of Measurement & Reporting Solutions LG Ad Solutions
Laura Manning SVP of Measurement Cint
Neala Brown SVP, Strategy & Insights Teads
Shreya Gulati Sr Director, Measurement Partnerships The Trade Desk

Event Details

Event Type Session