Ben Williams

Ben Williams is Director of Advocacy at eyeo GmbH. Eyeo makes the world’s most popular browser extension, Adblock Plus, which has been downloaded almost a billion times and has over 150 million active devices. The company also develops a series of other open source products all aimed at empowering users while keeping the web free and open.

Ben is from Kentucky and lived in Berlin and Washington DC before he moved to Bonn, Germany, where he was among the first employees of eyeo, the company behind products such as Adblock Plus, Flattr and Trusted News. Before starting at Cologne-based Eyeo GmbH in July of 2013, he worked at the German Embassy in Washington, DC; prior to that he worked mainly in non-profit organizations. Outside of the office, Ben collects records and cassettes, writes, reads and claims to occasionally exercise. Ben had a BA in German Culture from the University of Kentucky, and earned an MA in International Affairs from George Washington University.