In this session...

The onus has fallen on corporations big and small to answer cries for social revolution. Companies have heard these cries and have made major shifts to prioritize social impact through marketing and core - resulting in action for our environment and society. How do you determine what challenges to take on as a business? And how do you do so successfully with measurable impact for the world?

Presented with


Jessica Joines CEO Consciousness Economy
Samantha Fay Senior Vice President – Global Brand Strategy Guinness World Records
Dawn Laguens Executive Vice President and Chief Brand Officer Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPFA
Sheila McLean U.S. Social Purpose and Sustainability Practice Lead MSL Group
Trisch L. Smith Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Diversity & Inclusion Edelman

Event Details

Event Type Seminar

Related Topic Area  Business   Culture 

Similar Interests  Leading   Diversity   Politics 

Track  Brand Purpose