Ryan Gavin

As Microsoft’s General Manger of Search and Cortana, Ryan Gavin oversees the marketing and product strategy for a portfolio of services including Cortana, Bing, Microsoft Edge and Microsoft’s recently announced Conversation as a Platform strategy.

In over 18 years at Microsoft and in the tech industry, Gavin has proven himself a dynamic, results-producing leader. Ryan is well known for his role in turning around the reach and reputation of global brands with innovative marketing and business strategies.

In his tenure, Ryan has held a variety of marketing leadership roles across the company, including spearheading multiple large cross-company initiatives such as Microsoft’s approach to open source, the company’s server and tools platform strategy, and recently, Conversation as a Platform.

Ryan received his bachelor of arts in business administration and management at Seattle Pacific University. He and his wife, Sarah, are proud parents of four children who occupy them most days.