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In this session...

In a world where marketers are seeking to regain authenticity and trust with consumers, and to uniquely lead conversations in high impact ways, how can companies artfully and authentically work with influencers? From celebrities, to TV personalities, to YouTube stars, influencers have the potential to both entertain and monetize effectively. Join us for a one on one with Olivia Palermo, followed by a roundtable on the marketer's perspective.

Presented with


Justin Etheridge Executive Vice President Time Out North America
Karen Robinovitz Chief Creative Officer Digital Brand Architects
Natalie Mortimer Reporter The Drum
Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi International Television Personality, New York Times Bestselling Author, & Entrepreneur
Edward Barsamian Style Editor Vogue
Olivia Palermo Entrepreneur, Style Icon
Pete Stein General Manager Fullscreen Brandworks

Event Details

Event Type Seminar