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In this session...

Heineken has been behind some of the most creative marketing campaigns in the beer industry, but for 2016, they went back to their roots. Ralph Rijks, Senior Vice President of Marketing for Heineken, HEINEKEN USA, will present a case study on their credentials campaign – “There’s More Behind The Star” – which aims at not just showing what they brew, but who they are, why they do it and why it’s worked for 140 years.

Ralph will discuss how the team utilized U.S.-specific insights, a shift for the global brewer, in order to land on the guiding principle of HERITAGE. He will outline how Heineken pinpointed three main differentiators crucial to their company DNA: that it is served in 192 countries, has been family-owned since 1873, and has been brewed with the same three all-natural ingredients since the beginning.

This insight has set Heineken on track for a multi-year campaign aimed at communicating its heritage, through a series of spots utilizing spokesperson Benicio Del Toro and Global Master Brewer Willem van Waesberghe. Ralph will discuss how the program has been received thus far and how, by looking to the past for inspiration, the brand looks to build a strong future on this strategy.
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Presented with


Ralph Rijks SVP of Marketing Heineken USA

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Event Type Seminar