Gordon Bowen

Gordon Bowen heralds one of the most diverse and celebrated careers on Madison Avenue. TIME magazine labeled him a creator of “emotional blockbusters” and his legendary “Membership Has Its Privileges” campaign for American Express was named Advertising Age’s “Campaign of the Decade.” He has worked previously at J. Walter Thompson, Ogilvy & Mather, McCann Erickson, Young & Rubicam, and was the Creative Director for the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games.

Founded by John McGarry and Gordon Bowen in 2002, mcgarrybowen is one of the fastest-growing agencies in advertising history and was named Advertising Age's “Agency of the Year” in 2009 and "Agency of the Year" by both Ad Age and Adweek in 2011. Under Bowen’s leadership, mcgarrybowen is becoming more digital, more blended, more global, and more focused on content and delivery across channels. mcgarrybowen’s list of iconic clients include Verizon, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Kraft, Mondel?z, Procter & Gamble, United Airlines, and Disney.