Ed Brojerdi

Ed is a life-long entrepreneur and avid technologist. He began his career at the
Interpublic Group of Companies (IPG), overseeing the global enterprise application development teams. Most recently, he was co-founder and COO of SPLIT, a creative technology organization at IPG.

With over ten years of experience on blue-chip brands such as Microsoft,MasterCard and Verizon, Ed brings a progressive, digital focus into the agency environment. During his tenure, he’s deployed scores of enterprise and
consumer-facing applications, across all mediums [web/mobile/desktop]. Ed is also the kbs+ creative lead on the BMW North America account.

At kbs+, Ed enjoys directly infusing emerging technology trends and capabilities into the ideation and execution phase of client and brand work. In addition to overseeing various client-based development initiatives, Ed and the kbs+ technology teams work to concept and build white-label digital tools and platforms for consumers and brands.