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In this session...

PHD and Jason Silva invite you to reboot your thinking and consider what the world will be like in a few decades’ time. Technology will advance far beyond what we can conceive, as computing power doubles every 18 months and biotech and genetics become growing areas for development. This seminar will give you a view of the future to help you better understand and make strategic decisions around the developments happening today.

Think back three decades. Who envisaged that mobile devices would become the portals for our lives? Or think back to 2007. Did you imagine that Twitter would become the force it is today? Probably not. That is because our thinking is so often tethered to the past rather than to the future.

PHD and Jason Silva, futurist, techno-philosopher and host of Nat Geo’s Brain Games, invite you to reboot your thinking and consider what the world will be like in a few decades’ time. The seminar will push the boundaries of your imagination, exploring areas such as nanotechnology, biotechnology and extended consciousness.

Introduced by Craig Atkinson, PHD US’s chief digital officer, the session will look at how the world will evolve in a way that will make the seemingly inconceivable today, a potential reality in the future.
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Presented with


Craig Atkinson Chief Digital Officer PHD USA
Jason Silva Futurist, Techno-philosopher & Host Nat Geo's Brain Games

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Event Type Seminar