Paola Zurita

Pau Zurita aims to show us that a fit lifestyle and fun are not at odds. With more than 3.9M followers, Pau has created and inspires an expansive community of "Zuriworkouters" who join her in her daily exercise routines and healthy lifestyle focusing on the well-being of the body and soul.

A multifaceted content creator, Zurita is a passionate professional and an adventurer at heart. Pau is a marketer with a specialty in Communication and Strategy. She has certifications in exercise and diving, skills she uses to enrich her content with new adventures and to create unforgettable experiences for all the Zuriworkouters who follow her.

Notably, Pau is also the host of one of Spotify’s top 15 mental health podcasts, “Emexca en ti.” In her podcast, Pau invites listeners to adopt her philosophy of living life to the fullest and teaches us to accept and love ourselves as we are.