Sergio López

Executive President of the Alliance for the Strategic Value of Brands, AVE and General Coordinator of the EFFIE Awards Mexico since 2000. He is a member of the Board of Consejo de la Comunicación; co-founder and board member of Consejo de Autorregulación y Ética Publicitaria, CONAR and a member of the Comisión de Análisis Publicitario.

Member of the Advisory Board of EFFIE LATAM and International Observer of Effie in Uruguay and Colombia.

He is currently a member of the Academic Council of the Marketing degree at Universidad Iberoamericana and of the Advertising degree at UPAEP.

He attended the Senior Management Program at IPADE and the industrial development program in Turin, Italy.

He supports social institutions such as A favor de lo Mejor, INROADS and AMAD (Asesoría para el Manejo Adecuado de la Discapacidad).

He participates as a co-host in the program AVE, Valor Estratégico de Mundo Ejecutivo.