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In this session...

We can’t go anywhere without hearing about the metaverse, but the biggest question on every brand and agency’s mind is: how do I advertise in it?

The metaverse may not exist yet, but it's not-so-distant older cousin, video games, is the gateway solution brands are exploring. Video games allow brands to advertise in three-dimensional virtual worlds that are scalable, measurable, and brand safe. The best part? Video games already have an established audience of over three billion regular gamers worldwide.

Join Frameplay CEO Jonathon Troughton as he discusses how the metaverse will complement the existing gaming industry and why brands are proactively developing intrinsic in-game advertising strategies in preparation for future virtual worlds. The audience will walk away with a foundation of how to evaluate gaming (and future metaverse) opportunities and learn what’s still needed to develop the fully-realized metaverse.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Understand the nuances between gaming and the future metaverse, and how to gauge legitimate advertising opportunities in virtual worlds
  2. Learn why some in-game placements are fundamentally unique from traditional forms of digital advertising like web- or mobile-based buys (Hint: because they are integrated into the game engine itself!)
  3. Develop a clear strategy on how to properly measure new placements like intrinsic ad contexts in virtual worlds

Presented with


Jonathon Troughton CEO Frameplay

Event Details

Event Type Session