Tess Alps

Tess is the Chair of Thinkbox, which she set up in 2006 as its first CEO. Thinkbox’s role is to help advertisers get the best out of today’s TV, by proving its supreme effectiveness and helping marketers navigate the developing technologies that are contributing to TV’s exciting future.

Immediately prior to Thinkbox, Tess was the Chairman of the PHD Group in the UK, the leading media agency. In her 13 years with PHD she played a variety of roles and contributed to the expansion of its specialist services, helping it become media agency of the year several times.

Tess is a past President and Honorary member of WACL. In her Presidential year in 2004, she launched the Future Leaders’ Award whereby WACL raises funds to subsidise the cost of senior leadership training (such as MBAs) for promising women in the industry. Tess is also a Fellow of the Marketing Society, an Emeritus member of the MGGB, a Patron of NABS, and on the Council of the Advertising Standards Authority.