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In this session...

This session will demonstrate how to make your business more ‘worthwhile’ by telling the story of a new app which could change the world.

Matching charities with people based on specific skills, and featuring advanced A.I. functionality, the BeWorthwhile app aims to revolutionise volunteering as we know it.

This session will demonstrate how to make your business more ‘worthwhile’ by telling the story of a new app which could change the world.

Matching charities with people based on specific skills, and featuring advanced A.I. functionality, 'BeWorthwhile' aims to revolutionise volunteering as we know it. Organisations have already given 240K volunteer days through the system.

BeWorthwhile is the brainchild of Mashable’s Ben Maher. He observed that although big corporates offer CSR days to their staff, around 90% are never actually taken up. And when they are, they often see skilled people doing unskilled jobs.

As part of The Drum’s ‘Do it Day’ event, he challenged the industry to come up with a solution. Their idea was an app that allowed companies to load CSR days into a system which could be accessed by good causes seeking both time and specific skills.

With the help of IBM and Watson, it was built in a day. And now it is ready to go public. View Less

Presented with


Gordon Young Editor and Co-Founder The Drum
Ben Maher Executive Director EMEA Mashable

Event Details

Event Type Workshop