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In this session...

Finding a love that lasts is a thoroughly modern minefield. Our panel, led by Trish Halpin, Editor in Chief, Marie Claire, swap stories of dating peaks and pitfalls in an ever-changing landscape. Has technology made us all too flighty to find Mr or Mrs Right-y? Do niche dating apps that bring people together around shared passions really increase our chances of hooking a lasting romance?

In our overly connected world, there’s an alarming rise in the number of British singletons, so what’s going on? Have dating apps turned us into a bunch of commitment shy trepi-daters, who won’t give anyone a chance as the next swipe might be better/hotter/fitter? Or do proximity settings, personal declarations of fandom in ‘about me’ sections, and algorithmic wizards at the heart of matchmaking websites and dating apps really work? Our dating experts, psychologist and celebrity guest will discuss how technology has changed the way we socialise and date, and ask if we’ve become a generation who aren’t giving love a chance.
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Presented with


Trish Halpin Editor In Chief Marie Claire
Charly Lester Journalist & Blogger
Tim Samuels Documentary filmmaker, broadcaster & presenter
Marie Cosnard Head of Media Relations Happn
Dr Anna Machin evolutionary anthropologist

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Event Type Seminar