Matthew Hook

Matthew has been Managing Director of Carat since January 2014, with an intense focus on the value of its delivery for clients, and the growth, diversification and globalisation of the business.

He has spent more than ten years within the Dentsu Aegis Network including two years in New York as a partner in Jumptank, DAN’s innovation unit, where his work stretched from the designing of new digital capabilities, managing DAN’s sponsorship of the MIT Media Lab and major global strategic innovation projects for Coca-Cola and P&G.

He joined Carat in July 2012 in the newly-created role of chief strategy officer with responsibility for overseeing Carat UK’s strategic planning output - including strategy, research and evaluation and the exploitation of emerging media platforms. During this time Carat was the most recognised agency in the UK in terms of awards and Mediaweek's Agency of the Year.