Tracks Venues

In this session...

An irreverent look at the industry, debating the state of the advertising nation. Do we still have the courage of our creativity or have we put our faith in technology and tick-boxes? Are we cultural leaders or followers? If advertising is creative storytelling, are we telling the stories that matter? Do we still swagger?

Media Trust is a unique charity that mobilises media and communications people to give time and creative power to benefit charities, communities and young people. Working together, we amplify their voices and impact, create powerful content, develop their skills and connect them with new audiences.

Media Trust is supported by individuals and companies across the media industry, including: A+E Networks, AMV BBDO, Arqiva, BBC, Camelot, Channel 4, Dentsu Aegis network, Discovery Networks Europe, dmg media, Facebook, Google, Guardian Media Group, ITV, Just::, MTV Networks UK & Ireland, NBCUniversal, Next 15, Sky, Time Warner, Trinity Mirror, Twitter, Weber Shandwick and WPP.
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Presented with


Dave Buonaguidi Gardener, Motorcyclist, Idealist
Steve Hatch Director, EMEA Facebook
Dan Heighes Founder ADCAN awards
Rory Sutherland Vice Chairman Ogilvy & Mather Group UK
Kirsty Saddler Strategy Director & Parnter BBH London

Event Details

Event Type Seminar