Nina Funnell

Nina Funnell is a multi-Walkley award-winning journalist and author, who was responsible for spearheading the wildly successful #LetHerSpeak campaign to reform sexual assault victim gag-laws across Australia.
Through co-ordinating the legal research, government engagement strategy, media strategy and survivor liaison work, Nina’s campaign led to 5 law reforms across 3 jurisdictions and in 2021, Grace Tame - the first of 17 case studies to feature in Nina’s campaign - became Australian of the Year for her role as the public face of #LetHerSpeak.
A survivor herself, Nina has over a decade experience in journalism and survivor advocacy and has previously served on the NSW Premier’s Council on Preventing Violence Against Women and the board of the NSW Rape Crisis Centre.
Nina is the recipient of a United Nations Media Australia award and an Australian Human Rights Commission Community (Individual) Award. She is currently writing her second book, Let Her Speak due out with Harper Collins