Unlocking Success: How Machine Learning in Retail Media Benefits Users, Advertisers, and Platforms

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Machine learning (ML) is a cornerstone of advertising today. In this executive interview, Nikhil Raj, VP of Retail Media at Moloco will talk about how machine learning transforms the flywheel across users, advertisers and platforms for retail media platforms. Retail media platforms harness high-intent commerce environments to deliver lower-funnel advertisements with precise closed loop on-site attribution. These characteristics alone fueled the estimated $125 billion advertising industry, amidst the challenges of privacy concerns, regulations, and a renewed advertiser focus on profitability. Yet, the journey of establishing a thriving ads business is no easy task. The pivotal question that arises is: How can a platform generate sustainable value for all stakeholders - its users, advertisers, and the platform itself? Users need to see relevant ads. If they don’t, it will lead to ad blindness, which lowers their ad engagement. Lower user engagement degrades advertiser performance and ultimately reduces ads revenue. Advertisers need their advertising goals met. If they don’t see the same kind of return on ads that they see from other channels, they will not continue to spend their budgets with the platform. Platforms need to operate their ads business efficiently and at scale. Failure to do so not only impacts profitability but also leaves potential revenue on the table. Come learn how machine learning helps solve all these challenges and drives value across the retail media flywheel.
Nikhil Raj Business lead, Retail Media
Jamie Maw Programming Director
Advertising Week

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