In this session...
Twitter exists to serve the public conversation - and our recent innovations support that commitment to serving, and protecting, the health of the public conversation. In this session, you'll hear Twitter's Chief Customer Officer, Sarah Personette, share the ways we're working to improve the Twitter experience, grow our audience, and build the signals required to strengthen our full funnel advertising solutions - and explain why putting people first keeps everyone safer, including brands.
What You'll Learn from This Session...
- How Twitter has invested heavily in content relevancy: making it far easier for people to discover, follow, and engage with what interests them.
- The products Twitter is rolling out that offer people more ways to participate in the public conversation - beyond 280 characters.
- How we’re challenging ourselves to create a safe, comfortable space for all voices to participate in the public conversation, focusing on policies that lead, products that protect, and partnerships that drive industry-wide change.