In this session...
Seventy years ago, the media industry teamed up with MDA to make history with the first ever 24-hour televised telethon hosted by comedic giant, Jerry Lewis. This legendary event changed the world for good, raising mission awareness and putting a spotlight on those living with disabilities - the largest minority group in the U.S. Since then, MDA has continued to promote adaptive and accessible living by working with media partners Twitch (Amazon) and brands like Verizon and Unilever to amplify awareness. Today MDA goes beyond network television to reach its audience through all forms of media, including gaming and social channels.
As a former fashion designer, Mindy Scheier first advocated for her own child, who has Muscular Dystrophy, and just wanted to be able to wear jeans like every other kid. She then leveraged her expertise to rally the fashion industry to provide more effortless dressing through innovative design solutions by founding Runway of Dreams. In 2016, Tommy Hilfiger Adaptive partnered with Runway of Dreams and made history with the first ever clothing line for people living with disabilities. In 2019 she launched Gamut Management, a talent management company exclusively for people with disabilities, and created a marketplace where business and industries can connect with people living with disability at every step of the value chain.
Technology is a great enabler and equalizer. It provides the means to create and make a difference that ultimately brings lasting progress and transformation. Inclusively is the technology-centered inclusion solution and employment platform for job seekers with disabilities. If you start with inclusion, diversity will follow.
People living with disabilities represent the largest talent pipeline in existence today. Talent for Hire – let us join forces to create an inclusive environment and create lasting change for good!
What You'll Learn from This Session...
- Technology is the greatest equalizer when it comes to DEI
- Innovative ways to connect with the largest minority group in the U.S.
- Media is the most powerful platform to connect mission with meaningful outcomes