
Advertising solutions for the converging world The world’s leading independent advertising platform, Amobee unifies all advertising channels—including TV, programmatic and social—across all formats and devices, providing marketers with streamlined, advanced media planning capabilities powered by in-depth analytics and proprietary audience data. In 2018, Amobee acquired the assets of Videology, a premier software provider for advanced TV and video advertising. Amobee’s platform, with the addition of Videology’s technology, provides the most advanced advertising solutions for the convergence of digital and advanced TV, including linear TV, over the top, connected TV, and premium digital video. Combining TV, digital and social on a single platform, Amobee’s technology powers leading global brands and agencies including Airbnb, Southwest Airlines, Lexus, Kellogg’s, Starcom and Publicis. Amobee enables advertisers to plan and activate across more than 150 integrated partners, including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and Twitter. Great people make great companies and Amobee is committed to creating a vibrant, people-driven culture across the globe. Amobee has been named to Fortune’s Top 10 Best Workplaces in Advertising and Marketing and recognized for workplace excellence in Los Angeles, San Diego, the Bay Area, New York, Chicago, London, Asia and Australia. For the last three years, Amobee has also been named one of SellingPower’s 50 Best Companies to Sell For. Amobee’s leadership in technology innovation has been widely recognized, including Digiday Technology Awards for Best Data Management Platform and Best Marketing Dashboard Software, Mumbrella Asia Award for Marketing Technology Company of the Year, Wave Leader in Forrester’s Omnichannel Demand-Side Platforms, MediaPost OMMA Awards for Mobile Integration Cross Platform and Video Single Execution in partnership with Southwest Airlines. Amobee is a wholly owned subsidiary of Singtel, one of the largest com


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