Liz Fraser

Liz Fraser is one of the UK's best-known writers and broadcasters on all aspects of modern family life, a travel writer and broadcaster for over 15 years, and the first Ambassador of the National Centre for Domestic Violence.

She has been a presenter, host and guest on national television and radio for 26 years, has written four books about family life and a No1 best-selling memoir, ‘Coming Clean’, published by Bloomsbury in 2021.

Liz has written features and columns for The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph, Red, Grazia, Italia! Magazine, Guardian Travel, Glamour, The Daily Mail, Mother and Baby, Marie Claire, Junior, Woman, Runner's World, and many others.

She gives talks, hosts events and fronts campaigns on everything from mental health, family life, resilience and trauma recovery, from global brand launches to international Literary Festivals, in live broadcasts and debates.

Liz has a degree in Experimental Psychology from Cambridge University, went to the European School in Oxford and has four children spanning a slightly terrifying 20 years. She speaks fluent French and German, and having recently lived in Venice is now adept at hand-waving through Italian.

She is a competitive 10km and half marathon runner, a mountain walker and skier, and likes nothing more than living her life to the full and encouraging others to do the same.