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In this session...

Measurement is a fast-moving area at the best of times. But this year, marketer's find themselves battling multiple headwinds: the demise of third-party cookies, new regulations in sustainability reporting, and, of course, the growing influence and impact of AI. In this talk, Paul Stringer, Managing Editor of Research & Insights at WARC, will discuss these key challenges, focusing on what marketers can do to keep pace with emerging best practices in measurement.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. AI-generated synthetic data is going to reshape marketing practices and help democratise marketing research
  2. Advertisers are not prepared for the phasing out of third-party cookies
  3. Advertisers are failing to measure the full impact of their marketing activities, leaving significant value on the table

Presented with


Paul Stringer Managing Editor, Research & Insights WARC

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Growth Strategies