Tracks Venues

In this session...

While Generative AI made headlines in the past years on the creative side with AI-supported asset generation, according to the Marketing leaders, the true potential lies in optimizing processes, workflows and media spendings. We will discuss how the fragmented technology and media landscape holds challenges and opportunities for AI and how marketers can leverage the full potential of new technologies and an AI-powered advertising resource management.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Gain an understanding of how AI technologies beyond asset generation can support companies
  2. Get an overview over the challenges marketers are facing with the current technology and media fragmentation
  3. Learn how an AI- and automation-powered advertising resource management can help brands and agencies to work more efficiently

Presented with


Ruth Mortimer Global President Advertising Week
Salvatore Internullo Chief Growth Officer MINT

Event Details

Event Type Interview

Track  AI