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In this session...

1% of Chrome cookies have been deprecated, with the rest slated to be removed by the end of 2025. Google’s Privacy Sandbox has emerged as an opportunity and challenge for brands, agencies, data companies, publishers, and ecosystem partners. Regulations are evolving. Curation continues to be one of the leading trends in programmatic.

From Privacy Sandbox to Cookie Deprecation to Curation 2.0: How to Survive in Programmatic in 2024

1% of cookies have been deprecated from Chrome, with the rest slated to be removed by the end of 2025. Google’s Privacy Sandbox has emerged as an opportunity and challenge for brands, agencies, data companies, publishers and ecosystem partners. Regulations are evolving. Curation continues to be one of the leading trends in programmatic. During this session, experts from across the industry will share insights on how brands and agencies should manage and prepare for the dramatic changes to the advertising ecosystem and how not only to survive but succeed during this time of massive industry transition.

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What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. TBD

Presented with


Drew Stein CEO & Founder Audigent
Jenny Kirby Managing Director, Digital | PMX EMEA Publicis Media
Manny Puentes GM Advertising Genius Sports
Seb Joseph Senior News Editor Digiday
Matthew Wilke Business Director Total Media

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Data & Analytics