Tracks Venues

In this session...

Is our obsession with measuring everything to the nth degree getting the better of us? Or is it diverting our attention away from building our brand? With stats like "the value of the UK's top brands declining 14% last year alone", it’s hard to know if you can you do both successfully? Join me to explore our addiction to measurement and the impact it has on business, brand, and consumer relationships.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. How we can make marketing and the way we measure it more meaningful.
  2. Focus on a small(er) number of KPIs that have real meaning to your business - business, brand and response effects
  3. The brand vs performance debate undermines the role of advertising as it's not an either or, it's both.
  4. Why having an exit strategy from the price war, race to the bottom is essential
  5. We need to speak the language of the boardroom, but does the boardroom needs to speak the language of marketing?

Presented with


Ruth Mortimer Global President Advertising Week
Tony Miller Non-Exec Board Chair, incoming DMA

Event Details

Event Type Interview

Track  Brands & Marketers