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In this session...

Sustainable advertising is now a vibrant, active movement. And this industry movement is unique: success is not only important for the evolution of the ad ecosystem but extends beyond it. It's essential for the creation of a healthy planet and a decarbonised economy.

New data and solutions promise to accelerate the industry’s transition to a cleaner ecosystem, and for some, decarbonisation is already happening. Early tests show that reducing emissions doesn’t impact performance. Green advertising is good advertising.

Now, how do we reimagine advertising to make sustainability the default?

Join this panel discussion to hear from global brands about their sustainability journey, how they’re embedding emissions data into every decision, and why this always-on approach will secure the future of our industry. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Just as metrics like viewability, ad fraud and attention have been folded in with performance metrics, carbon must also be taken into consideration.
  2. Taking simple steps can not only have a huge impact on reducing carbon emissions, they can simultaneously clean up a wasteful advertising ecosystem.
  3. While robust and accurate emissions data is foundational to sustainable advertising, it is ultimately the actions that are taken with it that will drive change.

Presented with


Anne Coghlan COO and Co-Founder Scope3
Laura Wade Global Head of Sustainability Strategy Essence
Sophie Collins CMO MPB

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