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In this session...

The deprecation of cookies has prompted brands to explore marketing solutions that offer first-party data at scale and facilitate customer dialogue. Meanwhile, concerns over sustainability and the cost of living has led to a boom in refurbished, preloved and vintage marketplaces.

Upasana Gupta from eBay Ads gets the brand-side and analyst perspective of how two of marketing's biggest trends are converging, with insights and marketing strategies for brands and advertisers to help them drive sales and grow market share.

With the removal of cookies ahead, brands have been keen to explore retail and marketing solutions that give them access to first-party data at scale and enable them to continue their customer dialogue. Meanwhile, the circular economy and concerns over both sustainability and the cost of living crisis has prompted a boom in refurbished, preloved and vintage marketplaces.

During this lively discussion, Upasana Gupta from eBay Ads gets the brand-side and analyst perspective of how two of marketing's biggest trends are converging and how brands and advertisers can act now to ensure they don’t get left behind. Brands will walk away with insights to help inform their marketplace and advertising strategies covering new and used product lines, to maintain their customer narrative and grow their market share. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. The impact of the deprecation of tracking cookies for brands and advertisers in the retail space.
  2. The unbiased analytical viewpoint of the cost of living crisis on consumer behaviours.
  3. The scale of the refurbished/preloved market.
  4. Insights from brands who have embraced the refurbished/preloved opportunity for their own product lines.

Presented with


Matt Scheckner Founder and Chairman Advertising Week
Quentin George Partner McKinsey & Co
Upasana Gupta Head of UK Advertising eBay

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