Tracks Venues

In this session...

A new future of digital identity has arrived. The question: who will you become? Digital Innovation Agency of the Year - Gravity Road - introduce you to the bleeding, breathtaking, mind-melting edge of avatar creation with the people leading the field, from synthetic media specialists and metaverse fashion stylists through to tech giants like TikTok.

One thing is for sure: you’ll leave this session a completely different person....

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Avatar technology is a core aspect of the metaverse experience and fundamental to our digital identity
  2. 2022 is the year that avatars become mainstream in entertainment from Abba's, "Abbatars" through to the launch Avatar 2 the movie
  3. Learn how the creation of self identity - and the crafting of it - is finding new iterations
  4. Meet the players who are building this avatar-driven future

Presented with


Ebonix Twitch Creator
Mark Eaves Founder Gravity Road
Stan Georgiev Head of Strategic Parnterships Ready Player Me
Gemma Sheppard Fashion Stylist Sheppardstyle

Event Details

Event Type Great Minds

Track  Creative Capital