Chris Combemale

Chris is CEO of the DMA UK with overall responsibility for the DMA, IDM and Preference Services companies. The UK DMA is the largest marketing trade association in Europe with over 1,000 members and 80 full time staff. Chris is committed to industry best practice and is currently a board member of Fedma, the GDMA, the Advertising Association, the Code of Advertising Practice and Asbof.

Chris is an experienced international marketer with over 35 years advertising and 1 to 1 marketing experience in Europe, the USA and Asia/Pacific including senior roles at client, agency and technology companies.

From 2000 to 2009, Chris developed Emailvision, a French company, into Europe’s leading email service provider (ESP) in his dual roles of Chief Operating Officer and UK Managing Director.

Chris launched his career in New York with Young & Rubicam and his 12 years at Y&R included founding the Wunderman direct-marketing office in Singapore in 1992 and managing the Wunderman office in Hong Kong