Jonathan Fraser

Fraser joined Holler as the Head of Planning 2009, until recently getting promoted to Global Head of Strategy and Ideas. In that time has helped the company clinch its biggest ever client wins, including Mercedes-Benz, The Co-operative and innocent drinks, to name but a few. He has also taken Holler's content development into new areas by developing interactive TV shows that have been commissioned and broadcast across Europe and the UK, through creating a new strategic approach to creativity.

Before joining Holler, Fraser was at Naked Communications and served the ultimate apprenticeship working with über planner Ivan Pollard. It was at Naked where Fraser brought in the much celebrated Foster's account and devised the Foster's is Funny strategy, through pioneering use of branded entertainment and resurrecting the appeal of Alan Partridge in the process.

Prior to Naked, Fraser excelled in communications strategy at various agencies including Good Stuff, PHD Rocket and OMD. Throughout his years Fraser has won various awards for campaigns with a few of his favourite being for Fruittella, Xbox, Virgin Media and Ann Summers. Fraser combines ground-breaking ideas with outstanding insight and thinking to ensure a surprisingly creative approach to planning