Hiroki Nakamura

Hiroki Nakamura was born in 1979. When he first joined Dentsu Inc., he was making a large number of banner ads. Afterward, he started working as Technical Director, working on interactive campaigns. He holds a record 33.3% CTR for banner ads.
In 2011, Hiroki and four other members established PARTY, with Hiroki assuming the position of Creative Director. PARTY’s notable projects include: “Slam Dunk 10 Days After”; “Shuchu Regain”; “Make TV”; “Gagadoll,”; “Toyotown”; “Shizukatter”; “Haruhi Hunting” etc.
Hiroki has won over 250 advertising awards in Japan and abroad, and has also sat on numerous panels of judges. He won a Cannes Lions in the Young Creatives Competition, Cyber Category, placing first among competitors from Japan and second worldwide. Hiroki concurrently serves as an outside advisor to Dentsu Digital, a director at Firebug, and a director at Valu Inc. He is also a weekly guest personality on the “Sawamoto & Gonpa no Sugu ni Owarimasu Kara” show on Tokyo FM.