Tracks Venues

In this session...

As Advertising Week comes to a close, five of the industry’s leaders will be challenged by Mumbrella to tell it like it is.

A roll of the Mumbrella Dice of Truth will decide which questions get asked in a session hosted by Mumbrella’s Tim Burrowes.

The panelists will need to think on their feet as they tackle the big issues of the year, and of the week.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Cultural Challenges
  2. Agency Best Practice
  3. Client Relationships


Tim Burrowes Mumbrella
Nicole McInnes CMO OVO Mobile
Roberto Pace MD Eleven PR & FleishmanHillard
Katie Rigg-Smith CEO Mindshare
Gereurd Roberts CEO Pacific Magazines
Ben Willee General Manager and Media Director Spinach Advertising

Event Details

Event Type Workshop