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In this session...

Marketing departments have access to huge amounts data which can enable them to elevate insights to fuel business strategy, rather than just being a vehicle to execute upon.

In this session we will discuss how marketers can connect data sets, particularly in the context of increased data privacy measures, to transform their business, and the hurdles stopping marketers leveraging the technology which can re-imagine the value of marketing.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. How marketers can connect data sets, particularly in the context of increased data privacy measures, to transform their business.
  2. What hurdles are stopping marketers leveraging the technology which can re-imagine the value of marketing.
  3. How marketing can become the fuel business strategy, rather than be a vehicle to execute upon.

Presented with


Vijay Solanki Former CEO of IAB & digital marketer
John Danby Managing Director, Australia MiQ
Nicholas Gray CEO, Publisher The Australian, News Prestige Network
Melissa Hopkins Director, Marketing Communications Optus
Sam Russell Head of Marketplace Mediacom

Event Details

Event Type Seminar

Related Topic Area  Tech   Business 

Similar Interests  Data   Transparency 

Track  Mar Tech